Sunday, April 11, 2010

Never The Same Again…

“Heaven? I’m not sure how that looks like. I’ve never been there even for once. But this place… I know this. I’ve been here for times. But why does it seems different? Why does it seems like it’s not the coliseum I used to go to for basketball games? Is this how heaven looks like? Is this how heaven feels like when I’m there?”
It was surreal. When the house lights were turned off, I started jumping like crazy. Then I suddenly saw myself turning around and getting amused with the crowd. It was one of the most majestic moments then. The Sapphire Blue Sea. I didn’t think of it until then. I’m in the Sapphire Blue World, officially.
And then my eyes wandered. Silhouettes were starting to appear on the stage. Lights told me who they were. I first saw the fish. And then I looked around like a little kid – anticipating more surprises.
And then they were there. Standing like statues, proofs of perfection, I thought. I can’t help but stare and be awed by how beautiful they are. I don’t know where to look at. I don’t know what to think of. I am surrounded by angels God sent me that night. I am in heaven.
“They are what I’m here for. They are my reasons of survival, my source of strength. They are my dreams-turned-reality. They are my love, life and eternity. They are Super Junior.”
Yes, I know from the start that I’m in a Super Show concert. I know it’s the boys in there. But when I saw them, their name “Super Junior” had a different meaning in my mind. I guess that’s really how it is when you’re personally there. You see them in flesh, and you feel their presence with you. It gives a different sensation. I’ve always been telling you guys that they really are my life, but that night, I have proven myself that indeed, they aren’t just the Super Junior I admire and look up to; they are the Super Junior that is my life.
During the concert, I felt like crying. Especially when the VTRs were shown. Though it’s really just sad that in most of the VTRs, Hankyung wasn’t shown or wasn’t introduced. I don’t know why. I don’t want to think about the issue anymore.
On one VTR, my tears welled up in my eyes. It was the one about an old man who’s going down the memory lane, I suppose. This was the one that showed the pictures of the boys and the videos of their performances for the last 4 years. I saw it once on Youtube, I just didn’t thought that it would affect me the way it did last night.
And then the message VTR from the boys… It was touching. Really. I know that that’s the same video they use in all Super Show 2 concerts. But its effect washed through me at once. It was more sincere when you hear it live, and when you see it yourself. It was more touching.
“Someday, I’ll be like that old man too. I’ll content myself with seeing pictures and videos of my most loved group. Someday, I’ll be like him, going down the memory lane, thinking of all the memories, good or bad. And just like him, one thing will surely remain: love.”
I know, not all members were so hyped that night. Hyukkie and Siwon were sick. Heenim was a little disappointed, I suppose, and he was coughing towards the end of the show. It was a painful sight to see. Nevertheless, I know we made them happy. Especially Zhoumi and Henry…
That was the highlight of the night for me. That was the best thing that Manila had ever given the boys. Surely, none of the fan projects planned were successful. But in my opinion, Zhoumi’s and Henry’s was.
They were happy. I can tell from their eyes and from their smiles. I know they feel welcomed. I know we did a great job in making them feel loved and accepted. I know we succeeded. I believe we did.
“I was right. It wasn’t Araneta Coliseum I’m in. This place is so much more of just a concert venue. It is indeed paradise I call the Sapphire Blue World. I’m in a different dimension. This is my most favorite place. And I never want to leave.”
But of course, it has to end. My heart was hurting when I knew that Marry U’s their last song.  I wished for a miracle. I prayed that the song would last for another hour. But it didn’t. Maybe God thought I have already witnessed the greatest miracle I could ever see, it’s about time that I let others witness it too.
They promised they’ll be back for Super Show 3. It was the archangel who had spoken and I’m clinging onto his words. I know he won’t fail me. I know they’re coming here again to promote the 4jib, and the 5jib and the 6jib and so on.  I know they will keep their promise, as always.
And by that time, I wish to see them all fifteen. Complete and happy.
On my way home, I still feel like it’s a dream. It was very surreal. And I can’t help but just say a little prayer thanking God for Super Junior, and for friends like May, Pia and Regene.
“As I step out of Araneta, everything’s gone back to normal; but the truth is: NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.”

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