I’m sorry for ranting here. I know I don’t need to broadcast whatever happened but just let me feel better, please.
So here’s the story:
Last week, we had a lesson about the chapter 4 of our thesis. It’s quite tricky and annoying because it is the part of our paper in which numbers HAVE to be included.
And we know how CommArts students are toward numbers.
Yet we have to endure the fact that we need to do statistics and everything, just so we could do our thesis right and just so we could graduate on March.
Fast forward.
Our professor taught us what to do. He instructed us on how to write the Chapter 4 of our thesis. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT HE DID THAT. We even have our lessons jotted down on our notes. He told us that on the following week (which was last night), we are going to write an on-the-spot Chapter 4. And that activity caused us sleepless nights preparing for it.
And then, we were told that are to submit our individual Chapter 4 (you know, the official paperwork) on Friday. But since we’ve got loads of things to do for Mr. and Ms. UE Caloocan 2010, we asked if we could submit it ahead of time.
We’re not being boastful then. We’re not doing it for the sake of passing first. It’s just that we have to maximize our time because the pageant’s getting close and we’re the staff.
But last night, when I submitted it, he looked at me sarcastically and asked ‘WHAT’S THAT?‘. So I answered, ‘Sir, it’s our individual works.‘ He shook his head as if he’s god as he said: ‘You are not listening.‘then he threw our papers like he’s flaunting his authority to the whole class.
He wasn’t satisfied. He even asked the class to hand him the papers back and then he tore it all into four. WITH ALL HIS MIGHT.
I find it unfair. I find it stupid. Yes, he has the authority but why does he always treat us like we’re a bunch of fools who doesn’t know how to listen to his instructions.
You see, he’s insulting us from the very beginning. Would he want us to be able to read his mind? It’s senseless. No wonder he’s being hated.
I know he has the aut
hority. He is still the professor. So we’re giving him back the respect he’s supposed to receive from us. But don’t we deserve the RIGHT treatment from him? If he doesn’t know that that is how a professor should be, maybe he could’ve considered even just the fact that HIS SALARY COMES FROM OUR TUITION FEES.
I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just trying to voice out how I feel. He is a professor so he must understand the impact of what he’s doing to his students. He’s supposed to know how to deal with his students. And most of all, he should fully know how to be CONSISTENT.
That’s the problem with him. He’s inconsistent. And so we’re affected.
My blood boils. I really want to hit him last night. Or throw curses on him. I would want to play fair. If he’s being dirty, then I can too. We all can. AGAINST HIM. If not for my groupmates, I could have answered him back and tell him straight to his face how inconsistent he is.
Because I wouldn’t step down to his level. Because I wouldn’t be less better just to be able to meet him.
Good thing I know how to pay respect to elders. Good thing I know how to control myself. Good thing I know that his so-called knowledge is nothing compared to my self-admitted wisdom. His inconsistency will bring him to his downfall.
I’m trying to understand. Really. I’m trying to come up with a connection here. I’m trying to figure out why he would always act like god. I’m tryingto justify his actions on my mind. Oh, God knows how much I’m trying.
Because I don’t wanna be rude to people. Because it’s not my nature. And I certainly don’t want to be like him.
Good thing I’ve got the angel to keep me sane. When I got home, I immediately went to the computer to find new updates about him.
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