Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas is Four Days Late.

I have one exciting trivia to share: In Korea, teenagers spend Christmas with their friends rather than their families. It’s a tradition. To them, New Year’s Day weighs more.
I guess it is because of this why Christmas on the 25th became a little exciting than how it was  to me. Korean culture has been influencing me a lot, obviously. Nevertheless, yeah, my thinking of how the Yuletide Season should be had… changed.
Call me rude or whatever, but Christmas really came four days late to me.
It happened on the 29th, during the KPOP Nation at SM Megamall.
I wouldn’t detail it much since my incoherency would just lead me to becoming stupidly random. The gist of the story is that I was with people like me. I shared that holiday with friends who share the same passion as mine and who are huge factors why 2010 has become one of the most memorable years for me.
That day started like hell to me. I woke up with a palpitating heart. Probably, because of the alcohol I drank the night before. I thought I wouldn’t make it. But that day was Christmas, not even a failing heart will stop me from enjoying.
So I went to Megamall and met up with Chena, Ate Andrea, Ate Yan, Ate Jowella and Des. Borgy was there too. And surprisingly, Mikko was the host of the event. LOL. I still can’t get over the fact that Mikko sang in front of a huge crowd with a promising boy band. Never in my slightest imagination have I ever thought of that. HAHA!
There was so much fun and bonding. Christmas became complete the moment I stepped in to the venue. But it didn’t end there. There was a greater thing to happen, and it did.
I was with X Crew for almost the whole time again. Yeah, quite similar to the experience in KPOPCon but what made it so different is that I was with them as they were in their costumes… as the most anticipated performers in the event.
Now, imagine how I was that day.
I know I looked like a trying hard fan who keeps on sticking with them that day. It was late when I realized that I became annoying. Nevertheless, the experience was awesome. Though the X Crew boys are a bunch of bullies (totally in contrast to the sweetness of the girls), I seriously had some serious fun.
Ate Jen, Ate Charm, Jhane, Ed, Kuya Jerry, Kuya Marvin, Pipo, Jet, Atchie and Majo,
2010 started as a chaotic year for me. I thought it would end up like that too. But as the last quarter of the past year came, I was enlightened that life can be abruptly changed.
Never in my slightest imagination had I ever thought that I would be indulging myself with Filipino cover groups. No drama intended, but X Crew seriously made me look on a different perspective in life. Indeed, not all cover groups are trying hard. There are some which can actually be at par with the originals. You’re the perfect example, guys.
I know it wasn’t easy dealing with stalkers. But I’m just so flattered that you gave attention to the crappy blog entries. Thank you for appreciating and for helping in making me realize what I really want to do in this life.
You guys are great inspirations. I know I sound funny always but I know, as well, that you understand where I’m coming from. I do not know when I’ll be able to write about you again as X Crew but at times I’ll miss the group, I hope you wouldn’t mind if I turn you into a subject again.
So many things have happened in 2010. Too much heartaches have been given to me but life really knows how to give back. I crossed paths with you and life has never been the same again.
Thank you for existing, X Crew. I hope to share more memories with all of you.
Thank you for the hugs, by the way. ^^

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