Monday, September 28, 2009

How Super Junior Saved Me from Typhoon Ondoy

It was a horrifying experience. In less than four hours, our house was submerged in water leveling up to my waist. The last time it happened, I was still a kid so I know nothing. But this was different.
My father wasn’t here when it happened. He was in the province taking care of a business. I couldn’t ask him to go home immediately because our area is no longer passable by any kind of vehicle. Water from the river leveled up to the bridge so it was really impossible.
From then, I knew we were on our own – my mom, my older brother and me. When water started to enter our house, it was just like 3:30 in the afternoon (Philippine time). And as adrenaline rush took over us, we put all things we can to safety. Luckily, our house has a second floor, which served as our evacuation place.
We called my uncle to help us with the refrigerator. That was quarter to 4, I guess. And when we got it to safety, that’s when I noticed that the water level that was just in my ankle raised to my knees.
Panic clearly overwhelmed me. I didn’t know what to do. I switched off the main switch of our electricity so no electrocution may happen. I told myself to be ready but seems like I cannot.
Then, there was total blackout in the area. Meralco had cut their service for safety. Good. But the bad thing was that we were caught off guard. Our mobile phones weren’t fully charged. There was only one single candle in our stocks. We didn’t know what to do. And I didn’t know how to help my mom.
Using the remaining battery of my phone, I desperately called for help from my friends, though there was nothing else to lift. But what I needed then was emotional assistance. I was so stressed. I was so nervous. I was holding back tears when help arrived at 5:30. When I heard someone calling my name, I started crying. At last, someone came. The water was up to my hips already.
They came to check if we were okay. Surely, we’re not. But as I saw them, I saw hope. They provided me with what I needed then: EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. They told me that water wouldn’t get any higher. Then they left.
We were on our own again when I noticed that they were wrong. As the rain started to fall again, water raised to my waist. It was the worst. I started crying again as I tried to help my mom find food in the kitchen with a candle light. We haven’t eaten since lunch. Our three dogs had not eaten for the whole day. That was just 6 in the evening.
Night came with me crying in one corner of my brother’s room. That was the first time. My courage left me and handed me down to trauma. I was just praying: “Lord, tama na. Please. Natatakot na ko.” (“Lord, this is enough. Please. I’m getting afraid.”) My mom was crying too. When we try to look at our first floor, it was like seeing the sinking Titanic. It was horrible. Our wooden sofa set was floating. I thought then: Water can really be destructive.
After eating uncooked meatloaf, I told my mom to rest. As she was trying to sleep, the scene downstairs kept appearing in my mind. So I have to look for an escape. I tried to open my phone but it wouldn’t. The battery was drained.
That’s when I remember Super Junior. I started singing their songs and imagining their videos. With the help of the candle light, I was able to jot down things I thought I could put in this site. I tried to remember Teukkie and everything about him , Hee Chul and his pranks, Han Kyung and his broken Korean, Ye Sung and his epic jumps in EHB, Kang In and his smile, Shin Dong and his aerobic dance steps, Sung Min and his ever being so cute, Si Won and his gentlemanliness, Eun Hyuk and his way of making a baby sleep (WGM), Dong Hae and his kid-like attitudes, Ryeo Wook and how he jumped to the pool (EHB), Ki Bum and his eyes; and Kyu Hyun and his voice.
After quite a while, I noticed the rain stopped already. Super Junior made the time pass quickly for me. I was nearly crying again when I realized that they were really my relief when I have nothing. Yes, this may sound TOO exaggerated but I wouldn’t create a story to say I’m a fan, just after a traumatic experience.
It was almost eleven in the evening. My mom went down to check and saw that water is slowly subsiding. I mentioned a prayer and then looked up at the sky. It was supposed to be totally dark but it seemed like dawn. Then I realized, God must have made another promise – that life could never be so dark.
My faith saved me from greater trauma. And I believe that God used Super Junior as His instrument in reminding me that no matter how painful things could be, there is still a reason to smile.
Thank you, my Lord for constantly looking over us. Thank you, Super Junior for never failing me.

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